Saturday 29 September 2007

New Layout

I chose this new layout because i think it looks thriller . The red coulours connote blood and danger, whereas the dark dim lighting and half hidden man connote mystery and the unknown(enigma). I also thought the tattoo on the back of the mans head made him appear meancing or perhaps mentally unstable. I also thought the large gun, is like a large slasher knife you would get in thrillers.

But more so , the character looks like a possible Hitman ot Gangster, an idea reinforced by his sharp crisp suit, and also the gun. I am particularly interested in gangster thrillers as a sub genre, and am thinking of making mine a gangster thriller , so the background is here to also help inspire some ideas!

1 comment:


fab looking blog max btw you've lost the toolbar at the top, can you sort this out? cheers ms b