Monday, 29 October 2007

Applying Syd Fields 3 act plot Structure to Fatal Attraction.

Act 1 - The Setup

The first ten minutes show Dan with his expensive flat, and his ideal wife and family home. It also shows his respectable position at the lawyer firm he works at. In the remaining part to Act one the audience witness Dan meeting Alex Forrest, and the clear attraction between them, so we anticipate something to change.

Plot Point 1. The first disruption occurs when Dan risks all he has, when his wife is away visiting her parents. He starts an affair with Alex Forrest. He then tries to end it, and the disruption evolves further when she reacts by cutting her wrists, to try and save/force him to stay. We then see she is serious about Dan and does not want just an affair. This part is around 30 minutes.

Act 2
In this act Alex attempts to get back with Dan after he has broken it off, by calling his work, and then turning up at his office to talk to him. She then after being rejected again threatens to tell Dans’ wife of his affair Dan attempts to resolve his conflict with Alex. , he vacates to the suburbs, changes his phone number, and searches legal advice over a restraining order. Alex however who the audience clearly see is obsessed with Alex discovers where his new house is.

Plot Point 2 The obsession Alex has with Dan becomes more severe, when she threatens to tell his wife of the affair again, and even turns up to the family home, and boils his child’s pet rabbit. Dan realises Alex is dangerous to him and his family, finally seeing the severity of Alex‘s obsession and the potential danger her actions would bring.

Act 3
A resolution is reached when Dan does the right thing and comes clean to Beth over his affair. She eventually forgives him and they both fight off the everly obsessed Alex. The crazy Alex goes further and kidnaps their child, but she is soon returned unharmed. Beth threatens to kill Alex if she ever goes near the family again. The final confrontation on Dan home turf commences when Alex tries to stab them both. The parents fight Alex and eventually she is shot by Beth, killing her love rival. So equilibrium is restored.

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